Sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists

The sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists are antisocial , because they dont respect the moral norms , they think they are above them and they dont have the obligation to respect them.

The sociopath and the psychopath belong to the group of antisocial personality disorders but in this case, the concept of antisocial refers to criminal acts, they can commit or not criminal acts such as illegal prostitution, robberies, murders, sell of drugs, illegal glambing, etc. The malignant narcissist have antisocial traits too.
The concept of antisocial it doesnt mean that these people dont have social relationships, they seem normal people who stablish social relationships in our society , but they aint normal people.

The psychopath

The psychopath can inherit the psychopathy from his parents genes or one of them.
Robert Hare, expert in psychopathy says that many parents give their children love, support but the children can become psychopaths anyway, although its parents are healthy and sane people.

The narcissist

The golden child is the narcissist who is overprotected by his parents, the child gets what he wants anytime he wants, there arent boundaries here , his parents treat him as he is special and unique , they dont teach the child what is empathy , they raise a selfish child and when he grows up, he doesnt recognize other people's feelings and needs.

The neglected narcissist is the child who grows up in a broken home, he is treated like the black sheep of the family, he is abandoned, neglected, misused, abused emotionally and sometimes physically by his parents or one of them or any other member of the family. This child learns to hide his feelings and emotions to stop the pain they cause him, so he starts not to feel.

The sociopath

The sociopathy is developed. The sociopath has many psychopath's traits.
The child grows up in a toxic home where his parents dont respect the moral norms neither, as they cant educate properly the child , he starts to have bad habits such as using drugs, robbing, drinking alcohol, murdering etc, the child usually will start with some of these habits in his preadolescence .


  1. this entire site is bs and pushing ableist stigma against those who want to recover. all youre doing is further cementing in societys heads that we are cruel people for 0 reason. maybe youre the one with npd. go sit in a therapists office for a bit and be honest with them and about how obsessed you are


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