The narcissist behind his mask

The narcissist and his mask.

The narcissist is not real, he is a farse and a fraud, he knows he is not genuine, he knows he isnt that strong, powerful, confident person he pretends to be. He knows he has created a character to survive in this life, he knows he is not like the rest of the people, he is unable to feel good feelings like all the people and that triggers his envy. The narcissist cant feel and love no one, he cant even love himself, he hates himself in every way. The narcissist needs from constant approval and attention although he seems to be the confident and strong man, behind his mask theres only a broken person without positive feelings, without self steem, without self validation, without self love, he cant validate himself in any way, thats why he uses different victims to validate himself . He knows he depends on other people for validation and that is his big secret, the narcissistic supply is for him the food he needs every single day for his false construction, narcissistic supply means validation for him. Acting the way he acts he can get the narcissistic supply he needs to survive and he is addicted to it. It doesnt matter how he acts , he is not real, he is a faker, he fakes a personality, he fakes love, he fakes remorse, he fakes almost everything the 90 % of what he is, he is a real lie. The narcissist is sincere when he devalues, when he manipulates, uses, controls his victims, there is his true face. He will mantain his mask until he wants to , then the victim will see the monster behind the mask. He makes big efforts and uses much energy to play the good guy or the good woman, he or she will be good until they catch their victims during the Love bombing period. The narcissist doesnt want to accept to see his reality, he lives in a world of fantasy, the image he has created needs constant narcissistic supply , the victims are there to give him or her positive or negative attention. The narcissist deals every single day with his deep emptiness, his existential emptiness is extreme and deep, nothing and nobody is enough to fill up his emptiness.
He became a narcissist and that is not his fault, but its not ur responsability to change him or her, the narcissist wont ever change not matter what u do to help him or her, every help u can give her or him , will be more control, more manipulation and more abuse. Be strong and walk away from this toxic people because they will never be fixed. Be strong and hugs.


  1. Jesus can heal anybody who turns to him.Give hope.

    1. Its hard to say that only a 5% of the narcissists can be cured.


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