The ego from sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists

The narcissist

The narcissist has an inflated ego, this inflated ego is built through the narcissistic supply, which is all the positive or negative emotional reactions the narcissist gets from his victims. This ego makes him believe he is above other people, it makes him feel omnipotent, special and unique, he feels like a god.
When the narcissist devalues his victims and he uses different abusive tactics such as the intermittent reinforcement or the silent treatment, all this feeds his ego and he gets narcissistic supply, he feels powerful and in control.
The narcissist needs constantly narcissistic supply to reinforce his ego through the positive or negative reactions from his victims, this is the only way he can survive in this world. He needs to provokate constantly emotional reactions to his partner, family, friends, coworkers, children, strangers , etc , to maintain his false image, that image he has created (the neglected child) or the image his parents, mother or father attributed to him (the golden child), deep inside the narcissist knows he is a fraud, he knows that denigrating, humiliating, stepping on other people, etc , he feels good about himself.
The narcissistic supply is the drug he needs 24 hours a day, the 7 days of the week to maintain his false construction.
When he lies, denigrates, humiliates, controls, manipulates, fools, etc, he feels good about himself.
The narcissist is a black empty hole without positive emotions with a big complex of inferiority, he doesnt have a good self steem, this individual has feelings of inadequacy and it makes him feel insecure , he depends on the positive or negative emotional reactions to validate his existence, his false ego and his false image mean everything to him, he cant even validate his existence by himself, he needs to destroy other people to feel good about himself, he didnt learn other way to validate himself.
The narcissist without narcissistic supply is nothing, he wants to project a false image but behind his mask he knows he isnt perfect, unique, special , omnipotent. When their victims dont venerate him, dont recognize him as he wants as superior, this triggers his rage.
The truth is that he has a fragile ego, an ego when is criticized causes him shameness, because the reality is very different from his fantasies, he lives in a constant fantasy to be able to face life , every single day. This is the reality he doesnt want to see, he doesnt want to recognize himself as an ordinary person with flaws, in his sick mind he needs to be and have the best of everything.
The best we can do is not to feed the narcissist's ego, to not recognize him as someone special, unique, superior,etc.
In conclusion the narcissist needs constant narcissistic supply to maintain his false image, his false ego and to not fall apart psychologically. Since the moment he doesnt have enough or nothing of narcissistic supply, he starts to fall apart psychologically and he loses his energy.

The sociopath and the psychopath

These antisocial personality disorders have an inflated ego and they dont have to maintain any false structure, they feel themselves important and they dont have a fragile ego as the narcissist, they dont care how people see them, they dont care about the critics or what people think of them. Nothing affects them.
They need to hurt people because this flatters their ego, they dont need narcissistic supply so they can feel themselves powerful and in control. They get pleasure hurting others and that flatters their ego.


  1. These are 8 signs that you're a victim of Narcissistic Abuse. You can also notice that other people connected to the narcissist feel the same about you.


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