Sociopathic, psychopathic and narcissistic devaluation This is the second phase the victim lives with a sociopath, psychopath or narcissist . Here they will start to change and show their true colours, they will devalue the victim with critics, sarcasm, they will take away their attention , they will make fun of the victim for example they will criticize the victim's clothes, how the victim speaks, the things the victim likes, they will compare the victim with their exes telling her that she is not good at cooking as her ex or they will say the victim is not good at sex as his exes, etc. They will turn cold and distant, they will lose interest in the victim , sexually and emotionally, they will create drama to walk away from their victims to spend time with their lovers, they will dessapear for days or weeks, they will ignore their victims, the victims needs and wants, they will take away their attention to the victims being very inconsiderate, they will be rude and agg...