Attachment system
The attachment is the closure the proximity an individual can have or developes for another individual. The attachment will create the emotional bond and the reciprocity between 2 people.
Types of attachment
Secure attachment: Theres an unconditionality of the mum to the child, the child's needs are found, he feels loved, accepted and valued. Theres a good emotional relationship between the child and his mum.
When the child becomes an adult he can develope good interpersonal relationships, he is confident and independent, he can accept abandonment or failure in any relationship he has, as an adult he will be a reciprocal person.
Anxious attachment: The child has opposed feelings, he feels anxiety, fear, insecurity and preoccupation, he feels like this when his mum separates from him for some moments, when the mother comes back, he cannot calm himself down easily and he feels anger. He cannot trust his mum because the separation causes him insecurity , fear and anxiety. When the child becomes and adult, he will seek for approbation, he will feel that his partner doesnt love him as he wants, he will become a codependent and will develope an insecure attachment.
Avoidant attachment: The child doesnt have his mother there for him to attend his needs, this causes him pain, He will have a distancing behaviour, the child doesnlt cry when he is separated from his mum, he feels unloved, unvalued. When the child becomes an adult he wont express his emotions or wont understand other's emotions, he will feel rejection for intimicy, he wont want to have intimate relationships and get involved in a serious way with someone.
Disorganized attachment: This is the mix
between anxious and avoidant attachment. The child has opposed and inadecuate behaviours and he doesnt have any emotional attachment with his mother because he was abandoned and his mother didnt satisfy his needs.
The child developes impulsive and destructive behaviours and a big rage for the situation.
When the child becomes an adult he wont establish emotional relationships.
The narcissist during his childhood experimented the avoidant attachment, thats why he can dispense with his victims, he wont commit with no one to have a serious relationship, he will want casual relationships, he will be distant and cold because this was the way he was treated during his childhood, his mother didnt give him closure, security, protection. The child will grow up with rejection.
The sociopath and the psychopath experimented the disorganized attachment, their mothers never were there for them to give them love and attention to their needs, all this will generate them a big insensibility for other people , for emotional relationships and they will grow up with a big anger, rejection and hostility.
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